Nitaamini (I Will Trust) Lyrics by Israel Mbonyi

Nitaamini I Will Trust Lyrics by Israel Mbonyi
Nitaamini I Will Trust Lyrics by Israel Mbonyi

Nitaamini (I Will Trust) Lyrics by Israel Mbonyi

(Sung in Swahili)

Sasa naapa hakuna miungu n’taamini
(I now vow to worship no other god)
Satajitia unajisi, chakula cha ufalme
(I shall not defile my body, with royal feasts)
Na sitauza urithi wa wokovu, anasa za kisasa
(I shall never exchange salvation’s inheritance, with modern pleasures)
Nina uhakika waweza, waweza kuniponya
(I am certain that you are able, able to heal me)
Hata usipo niponya, sitaabudu masanamu
(Even if do not heal me, I shall not worship idols)

Naelewa maji na moto nitapita (I know I shall pass through water and fire)
Kwenye uvuli wa mauti (Through the shadow of death)
Nina wewe, sitaogopa kamwe (I have You, I shall not be afraid)
Mungu wangu, wanishika mkono (You hold my hand, my God)
Wautuliza moyo wangu (You calm my heart)
Sina mashaka, wanibeba mgongoni (I have no doubts,  for You carry me)
Waweza tuma neno la uzima, libadishe yote (You can send Your word of life, and change everything)
Hata usiyafanye hayo yote, bado nitaamini (Even if You do not do all that, I shall still believe)
Waweza tuma neno la uzima, libadishe yote (You can send word of life, and change everything)
Hata usiyafanye hayo yote, bado nitaamini (Even if You do not do all this, I shall still believe)

(From the Top)

Si Mara ya kwanza kunitoa katika magumu
(This is not the first time time to save me from hardship)
Nina ushuhuda: zaidi ya moja, we ni mwaminifu
(I have countless testimonies of Your faithfulness)
Nina historia maalum, we ni chemchem’ ya uzima
(I have a special history, that You are the essence of Life) (Repeat)


Nitaamini, bado nitaamini (I will believe, still I will believe)
Ulichosema nami, Yesu we (Jesus what You said to me)
Nitaamini (I will believe)
Wewe ukiyajibu maombi yangu, nitakwamini (When You answer prayers, I shall trust You)
Hata usinijibu, Yesu we, nitakwanini (Even if You do not answer, Jesus I shall trust You)

Nitaamini, bado nitaamini (I will believe, still I will believe)
Ukiniponya nitaamini (If You heal me, I shall believe)
Hata usiniponye, bado nitaamini (Even if You do not heal me, I still believe)
Ukinijibu, nitaamini (If You answer me, I will trust You)
Hata usinijibu, bado nitaamini (Even if You do not answer me, I shall still believe)
Ukibadilisha, nitaamini (If You change things, I will believe)
Hata usibadilishe bado nitaamini (Even if You do not change things, I shall still believe)
Kwenye uvuli wa mauti bado nitaamini (Through the valley of the shadow of death, I still believe)
Nina ushuhuda, wewe ni mwaminifu (For I have a testimony, of Your faithfulness) (Repeat)

Kwenye uvuli wa mauti bado nitaamini (Through the valley of the shadow of death, I still believe)
Nina ushuhuda, wewe ni mwaminifu (For I have a testimony, of Your faithfulness) (Repeat)

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